
Diabetes Symptoms

What are the Primary Symptoms of Diabetes?

The most consistent symptom of diabetes mellitus (Type I and II) is elevated blood sugar levels. In Type I (insulin dependent / early onset) diabetes, this is caused by the body not producing enough insulin to properly regulate blood sugar. In Type II (non insulin dependent/adult onset) diabetes, it is caused by the body developing resistance to insulin, so it cannot properly use what it produces.

However, high blood sugar is not something you can see in the mirror at home, so it is useful to know the side-effects of high blood sugar, which are commonly recognized as the noticeable symptoms of diabetes.
If you find yourself experiencing many of these diabetes symptoms on a consistent, long term basis, you should visit a doctor to be tested for diabetes. Ignoring (or not recognizing) the symptoms of diabetes can lead to long-term serious health risks and complications from untreated diabetes.

Some of the common 'early warning' signs of diabetes are:

Excessive thirst
The first symptom of diabetes is often excessive thirst that is unrelated to exercise, hot weather, or short-term illness.
Excessive hunger
You are still hungry all the time even though you've eaten.
Frequent urination 
Frequent urination is often noticed because you must wake up repeatedly during the night.

Tiredness and fatigue, possibly severe enough to make you fall asleep unexpectedly after meals, is one of the most common symptoms of diabetes.
Sudden weight loss 
Rapid and/or sudden weight loss (any dramatic change in weight is a sign to visit a doctor)

Get tested if you are concerned

While many of the signs and symptoms of diabetes can also be related to other causes, testing for diabetes is very easy, and the constant/regular presence of one or more of these symptoms over an extended period of time should be cause for a visit to the doctor.

Readmore: http://www.informationaboutdiabetes.com/symptoms-of-diabetes


  1. Sometimes there are no diabetes symptoms or they go unnoticed or they're ignored. That is why people who have high risk factors such as being overweight, over 45 years of age, physically inactive, having a family history, etc. should be checked for diabetes just to be safe.

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